This section of the website features YOU: send us your trip reports, and videos, and we will do our best to include them here!
You can also post on our Facebook page, or tag us on Instagram, with #northisland1000
The Adventure Co-op have had some memorable moments on the route, and have made an impressive collection of videos on their trip to the North Island. We’ve shared one here!
Thanks to Abner for the great photos from your recent trip to the North Island!
Trip video: North Island 1000- ADV on Vancouver Island
Enjoy this video from the Youtube Channel OverPenAdventures. He writes : “Join me on a day trip on the North Central section of the North Island 1000. Ride along as we adventure through dense forest, majestic lakes, and scenic Valleys. This was a 1 day ride and it took a lot out of me in the summer heat. Plan for at least 2 days to complete the route, longer if you want to do side trips.”
Thanks for sharing!
Trip report: UTV Adventure 2021
Trip Video: Motorcycle travel channel- North Island 1000!
Video created by Sterling. Thanks for sharing your Trip!
Trip Video: North Island 1000 on Dual Sports!
Video created by the channel Kicknasstknames. They wrote: A 2021 Dual sport trip June 19th to June 25th. Part of the Island 1000. Just easy gravelers but watch out for logging!
Gravel biking the North Island is here!
There have been a lot of motivated individuals who have decided to ride the North Island 1000 route, or a new variation of it, this past summer (2021). We are excited to see that has taken an interest in the North Island circuit visiting the 11 communities, and have come up with the “Tree to Sea Route” which launched this past September 2021.
The goal of the North Island 1000 route is to improve recreation and adventure tourism to the North Island, and at the same time foster good relationships between riders, cyclists, and recreationalists of all types. So excited to see everyone on the backroads soon! Stay safe and get outside!
Theo rides the North Island on his gravel bike!
Thanks for sharing your adventures, tips, and gear choices- especially love the tire choices.
First Group Ride: June 2020
Check out the video (above) for some highlights from our first ride of the North Island 1000 route. The weather was perfect and the company was even better. What better way to kick off the riding season than with a multiday tour of the scenic backroads of the North Island!
Check out Salty Beard Bikepacking, who rode the North Island on his BICYCLE, and documented his journey on a youtube vlog!
Thanks to Pierre, aka @runawayrider, who shared these awesome vlogs about his North Island 1000 experience.
Here’s a recent tour of the North Island on DualSports, from SweetandStickyFilms
Hello fellow riders,